Charleston250 is a member consortium of area organizations involved in planning and promoting America 250th Anniversary programs, events, lecture series, tours, conferences, dinners, and balls that recognize the Charleston area's people, places and events that contributed to winning independence. Revolutionary Charleston is the umbrella organization for all things Revolutionary War in Charleston - especially living history for visitor and resident learning enjoyment. Revolutionary Charleston's efforts are centered around Victory Day, the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War marked by the end of hostilities between the Continental Army and the surrounded British forces that occupied Charlestown, South Carolina. Revolutionary Charleston is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to showcasing Charleston's leadership role in the War for American Independence – From First Protest To Final Victory. Charleston has been chosen as one of the four showcase cities of America's 250 anniversary commemoration of achieving Independence.Ībout Revolutionary Charleston and Charleston250 Victory Day is an essential component of the America 250 remembrances and celebrations. Program participants include Mayor John Tecklenburg General Henry Siegling, Washington Light Infantry Regent Katie Hyman, Rebecca Motte Chapter, NSDAR Ariel Dinkins, Curator, Old Exchange, and Provost Dungeon Katherine Pemberton, The Powder Magazine and others. Doug Bostick, president of the South Carolina Battlefield Trust. The invited keynote speaker last year was Mr. This ceremony will be followed by a laying of wreaths and distinguished speakers and history experts.
Victory day usa install#
The procession included the color guard of the Washington Light Infantry, the British 33rd Regiment of Foot, the 2nd South Carolina Continental Troops, and other period reenactors and celebrities.īritish troops will be retiring the King's Colours, and the 2nd Regiment South Carolina Continental Line will then install the Betsy Ross and Liberty flags to commemorate the new, independent government of the United States. Last year, the The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps led a reenactment procession depicting the final British withdrawal from Charlestown escorted by Continental troops. School groups, tourists and those interested in witnessing and hearing about the surrender of the British Southern Command Headquarters, which led to Parliament granting the 13 American colonies/states their collective, sovereign independence, are invited to attend this 240th anniversary of Victory Day. Interactive living history events will follow. The speakers part of the program will feature the state's top historians and dignitaries. On Sunday, December 11, 2022, the Revolutionary War Victory Day reenactment, remembrance, and celebration will take place at Marion Square from 12:30 - 2:25 pm.