I want to add this animations in an UIView, so animations will be animated only in the UIView, I don't know if it's possible and how to do that ( Google didn't give me a response. When talking to her sister, who also has a 6S+, she can see animation effects sent by her sister. Generally a battery is considered worn when you're down to 80% capacity. I want to create animations like the animations in IMessage in IOS 10, so like balloon, confetti and others, like this: Imessage animations in IOS 10. We were trying out all the animations in iMessage, but she cannot see any of the animation effects that I send, but I can see all the animation effects she sends. As you can see here, there are a bunch of different effects you can use. Tap on the Screen option to access full-screen effects. Now, long-press on the arrow icon for more options. Open a conversation with an iMessage user and type something in the text box. Just go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health, and check out the Maximum Capacity reading. Open the default Messages app on your iPhone or iPad. This can be done by heading to Settings > Messages and toggling iMessage.
#Imessage animations upgrade

Convert currency quickly – Swipe down from the top of your Home screen (or swipe left to right on an iPhone X), then tap in the bar and type a currency (like $200) and it will automatically covert to your local currency A pple’s iMessage is an instant messaging service that is available to only those who are in the Apple ecosystem.Delete lots of photos quickly – Hold down on a photo and then drag your finger diagonally in Photos to select lots of images at once, then hit delete.Close all Safari tabs – To do this in one go, simply hold the overlapped squares in the bottom right-hand corner, and press close all tabs.Typing cursor – When typing, hold down the space bar to turn your keyboard into a trackpad, letting you move around words and sentences more easily.